Life is all about perspective.

We have the ability to shape how we view our world. Yes, some people are given different cards to play with, but ultimately it is up to us in how we use the cards we are dealt. We can either fold thinking we do not have a chance, or find any way possible to come out with the winning hand. 

How can you take what you’re given and shape it into the outcome you want to have?

1. Every single moment, of every single day, you are “practicing” something.

If you wake up early and start your day off completing daily tasks, you are practicing productivity. 

If you decide to take a day off work and spend time with family, you are practicing on improving being a family oriented person. 

Moral of this is, every time we decide to do something, we are “practicing” what we decide to do. 

Successful people decide what they want to accomplish or what they want to improve and then get as many “practice” reps as possible. Even at the cost of losing or giving up things to be able to follow what they are passionate about. 

Sacrificing weekends, relationships, sleep, family time, and more to focus on their entrepreneurial goals. 

How driven are you? What are you willing to give up?

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” – Eric Thomas

Are you willing to give it all up to succeed?

2. If it’s easy, you’ve plateaued. If it’s hard, you’re growing.

Comfort is the first sign of stagnancy. 

  • Be a visionary

Continue to practice your creativity by being a visionary. Where can you take your business, how can you expand, how can you start something completely new. Always look for ways to reach that next step with your goals or business in life. The best way to create something memorable is to create something that nobody has seen before. 

  • Life long learner

Never stop learning. 

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” ―Malcolm X

Always push yourself to learn new skills and information. 

Constantly learning will not only help prepare you for more unfamiliar situations in the future, but learning can also help broaden your perspective. Giving you a better insight and plan for your goals. 

  • Be unafraid of the unknown

It’s our natural instincts, when we face things in life which are different, our brains try to reason with us to take the safest route. Snap this ingrained habit and be willing to step into un-chartered territory. 

3. You don’t become disciplined. You find ways to practice discipline. Becoming disciplined as a result.

As Yoda would say, “There is no ‘Try.’ Only ‘Do’ or ‘Do Not.’”

At the end of the day, if it’s important enough to you, you will get it done. 

Simple as that. 

Find what really motivates you. Something that can keep you motivated every single day and even on your worst days. 

By slowly creating habits and patterns you will become more disciplined with your craft. 

4. To avoid feeling let down, take the small victories.

On a macro scale it’s consistency and time. On a micro scale it is relentless drive, work ethnic, and productivity. 

  • Stay focused
  • Keep positive
  • Enjoy the process

Are a few ways in which you can continue to move towards your goals; even when it seems like things aren’t moving at all, or how we all have felt at some point, like we are going backwards.

5. Gratitude

Be thankful for the opportunities. Even the small tedious task, be grateful. Not everybody will get the opportunity to chase their dreams. Make the most of it by working on practicing gratitude and being grateful for every opportunity that comes your way. 

Change your mindset from, “I have to do this” to “I get to do this”. 

Not everybody gets the opportunity to give their dreams a shot.

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